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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Man U.. MAN O?

I was chatting with some of my colleagues this morning- and suddenly baru teringat nak call an ol' buddy to confirm 'bout our so-called class gathering they said nak buat this coming Saturday. Since I already cancelled my duty-trip, so I'll be all free this weekend. A month ago, while I was busy with my new work and forms and etc, ol friends on the net were also busy discussing bout the gathering plan - some said to be held in Melaka lah..KL lah.. but suddenly, senyap ajer. That is why I call him.. just to ask jadi ke tak gathering yang dah ke berapa juta kali plan dah nih. Hehehe..

And as expected. Mission cancelled. Hmm.. obviously those peeps are still in their raya mood. It's understandable - some of my friends are already married and have so many other things to consider instead of this gathering. It somehow will take quite a lot of time and money to come here - and worst come to worst, susah payah diorang datang , only to see others tak datang. So better let it be called off - and plan again next time.

And that friend is still in his wife's family in Johor. we had ourselves a lil' conversation - and it was him who suddenly brought up the subject...* grin*

I suppose he didn't know that I've been keeping all my grunts inside and waiting for the right time to pour it out. Yes, it's about what I mentioned at the title space. Man U. The team I detest the most. Hehehe..semangat kesukanan ape ni.. biasalah.. kenalah ada hero jahat kan... asal glamer ajer kena suka ke..?? hehhehe..

"Hapalah Arsenal.. kalah ngan Man U.. Hahahha..!!" he was enjoying himself. Laughing at me.

I didn't gave him any space anymore. Cepat ajer memangkah. Hehehe...

"Haaah... Man U lagi hina - kalah ngan Portsmouth...!!"

"At least Arsenal kalah ngan team yang banyak star...tapi PORTSMOUTH???" It surely didn't stop right there.. haha.

And believe me. Revenge is rather sweet. Hahahhahaha.... Mesti member bengang ajer.. tu laa.. sapa suruh start.. I was going to add other remarks - but I think enough with the just-now-words.

The thing is - I once enjoyed watching any game against Man U because they were once a really good team. I would say a fabulous one. Really. And I mean it. But don't get me wrong. I said ONCE. For me, they not only can play good football, but they were a real entertainers. Rivalries among teams made the each season colourful and full of controversies, rumours and speculations.

But lately. They started to play like girls.

They are no more entertainers - but now becoming actors. When the opponents starts to master their gameplay, they seems to be a bit tensed - and started to dive, and then won for penalties. Ughhh.. Is that how MEN play?

Yes, I realised you'd say I write all this merely because I'm an Arsenal ardent fan. But - you have to know that I started becoming their fan - was because of that skinny-pale Robert Pires was in it...(yess..typical ..GIRLS!) And back then, Arsenal was rather ordinary. It was Man U brighest seasons 1999 - 2001 - still, for me, they were good because of they are an 'ALL STAR' team. So no wonder lah kan.. *cynical grin* heheh..

But now..when that same 'all star' becomes rather sissy, urghhh.. penatlah cam ni.

Belum habis sakit jiwa sebab game between Arsenal with their arch-rival last month, when they won a penalty after that sick-rooney obvious dive, they simply couldn't stop doing it again. I was saying to my bro when I saw Riley's name appeared on the screen; "Hush..Riley! Mesti ada penalty in this game!"

And I was really worried. They started kicking and doing bad tackles. They seemed to be enjoying it. And I was damn right. A penalty.

And the penalty against Newcastle recently made me feel sick - up until now. I regret I watched that match. Sheeesssshhh!

I think Rooney can best become a coral diver..or even get a form to become baywatch next action star.

Intann : Thank God that Houston Tennis Masters is started. Henman will meet Roddick later today and..why is I am still here??



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