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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Adam's Future Car

Abang Fali is still far from having his home done. Bits by bits, he seems to be quite miserable with things that's never enough for the house, not to mention the dissapearing contractors.

So we went, almost every week, trying our best to help him. We paint and move stuffs, get his girls to school, accomodate him with whatever that we could. And now, only we can say his house looks like a home. He should thank abah and mama; for being there for him.

Last week, was like kenduri. Almost everyone was there. I brought Ezzah to see her not-too-long lost kakaks; and she was indeed so thrilled. She kept yelling and playing, even forgotten to have her day nap. Not enough? Syima and I went to pick the chubby Nurin, who lives 1km away.

"Let's buy cakes for Tokwan!"

"Yayyy...............!" Adam, Aqil and Maksu screamed. We didn't got the chance to celebrate abah's birthday on the 10th, and since almost everybody was there that day, we just hit it.

On our way to the bakery, kakak tried to make up some motivation-talks with her boys.

"Abang nanti besar kalau nak beli car macam makcik(me), belajar rajin-rajin" I just listened; intrigued to hear what the answers would be.

Just as I thought what his answer will be, his reply simply got her mom choked for a second.

"Alaa..abang(Adam) tanak beli kete macam makcik. Abang nak beli kete POLIS. Lagi best!" Syima and I laughed our stomach out. Well, that was bizzarre! Hahah!

"Kete POLIS tu!" He bragged.

Kakak tak puas hati. "Alaa..abang ni..nanti mama dah tua takkan nak bawak mama jalan naik kete polis plak!? Tak glamer lansung!"

I can't help to provoke; tried to make the conversation even tighter for Kakak seemed to be upset with the answers.

"Ntah abang nih. Beli la kete besar sikit.. mama tu nanti bila dah tua gemokk.. haa.. abah gemok, mama gemok..adik Nurin tu dah la sedia gemokk..kang tak muat keta abang!"

Adam giggled; perhaps visualizing her mama being gemok - like me. Haha!
Sian Nurin. Tak pasal-pasal dia plak jadi bahan.

That was quite a laugh. *sigh*

Intann : I wonder what was inside his mind. I thought he was going to say a beamer or a cooper or whatever. But, police carrr??? My goodness!


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