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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

MERDEKA spirit in us?

A really hectic day for me today.

Safwan and I planned to spend this Merdeka-day-off for a one-day-trip to Penang- for my ex-classmate's wedding reception. We planned it for the entire month-And I suddenly become that bloody perosak.

Actually, it wasn't me! But I was called to work..and it was a reallyyyyy late notice!

Sorry Safwan and Nana..really2 didn't mean to. : (

And sorry MADI.. Nak sangat gi sana.. hope you had a good reception! Really wish I was there.

If only they know how excited I was, planning and counting days for that Penang trip.. uwaaaaa..! I even got myself a new baju kurung you know!

I just couldn't describe my day at the office today-but y'all know.. pening! I balik as soon as my boss went out. Hahh!! Tak kuase nak tunggu kat situ lama-lama!

I was glued to the TV spas keje tadi..and found myself stucked to one local patriotic movie called EMBUN- dunno whether you guys tengok tak, but for me.. if you really put yourself into it, you'll find the movie really fascinating!

Dunno bout' you.. but for me.. we've been a spoil bread after all..

We celebrate merdeka with concerts..
We make fun of stories and spirits of elderly people... ashamed of being patriotic.. and take everything for granted... and I feel, whoever made that movie.. your contribution was awesome! That movie got me thinking.. of me..of my guts..of my courage..of my visions.. of my contribution.. Hahh.. for an instant, I feel really small..

And if you guys wonder why there are some people who are rich and some just don't.. Look into ourselves..

Is our guts and courage can be compared to those who are succesful? Are we ready to sacrifice our time and things we love? or even our lives? Coz those people do..Think!

Intann : Still looking for that spark of courage somewhere inside me.. Hope it's still there..

Happy Merdeka Day..and Selamat Pengantin Baru Madi..!

Nite guys!


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