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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Friday, September 17, 2004 l'hopital..

Arween is now in Ampang Putri. Pity her.. She was happily dancing and jumping on her parents bed the other night. But before I can grab her down, she slipped off the bed and hit hard on the floor (thank God it was carpeted).. at first we thought she was ok..but after several hours she went vomiting and acting unusual.. abang and kak nurul were both really worried. So mama and abah had to rushed her to the hospital and she is still warded up until now. But the doctor said she is OK so far, and concluded she had been vomiting because of the asthma. Hmm.... (who am I to doubt that??)

Everyone have to take turn having to accompany her. Pening sebab everyone's working and have to plan accordingly sebab she only wants her mom to accompany her all the time. The first day she was so serious, frowned, with very minimum movement. Demam pulak tu.. Sian dia.. dah la kecik..petite but bulat semacam ajer.. hehehhe...

But, yesterday she seemed brighter than the other day and we can hear her laugh and play all around again...and she got her abah and maksu also off their feet trying to kutip and hambat dia... Hahhahhahha! Padan muka.

"Penat gilaa dok kutip dia...dia mana nak duduk diam-diam atas katil!" Abang grumbled.. sambil garu kepala..and endless sighs from his mouth.

"Chehhh!! Banyak la dia yang kutip.. dia dok tidoq jaa....pastu paksa orang kutip aween!" my sis pulak went complaining pasal my bro. Hahhaahaa.... Elok la hampa dua orang...

Hopefully she can be discharged by today sebab semua orang seems to be exhausted sangat- sangat berulang dari rumah gi spital. And last night everyone went flat. Drop dead-terbungkang merata-rata. Including ME...Hehe..

Intann : Get well soon my princess! Achik adores YOU! Muuahhhhhhhh!!


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