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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

That's what love is for..

Mmm.. just had my sama jer almost everyday..nasik-ayam-bayam-dua inggitt.. and all ALONE..: (

It's pay-day today.. as usual..macam2 resolution untuk bulan nih.. nak jimat la.. no fast macam2 lagilah.. but the time lalu depan kedai tu.. mulalah sakit kepala laa..ketar lututlaa.. purse bergegar laa... wonder why is all that stuff so tempting..? hehee.. macam boleh dengar aje my mum punya nag dalam kepala..huhh..cakap pasal duit memang takkan habis sampai kiamat pun.. (really annoyed with my phone bills...!)

I came across lagu Amy Grant-That's what love is for this morning on my way to work.. hahh..!! Dah agak dah.. they really dragged me into 'emotional' daydreaming again.. and love..with everybody is pursuing love nowadays.. we sometimes forget that love can be a cruel deceit. Believe me or not... those kinda songs actually lead us to become a love devoter or a soul provider...which is for me.. not suitable for those who has a partner who don't really care about what love is all about..

We hear a lot about love stories..not to mention all love movies that we take 'em as a perfect dream-dying to get one love life similar to that.. start la berangan jadi heroin la..hero laa..haha..! ( If you asked who's my perfect hero..Jude Law-empty face-tall and skinny.. haha.. get me off my feet) usk..lari tajuk dah ni..!

I wonder macam mana people want from love nowadays. Macam-macam yang I dengar since forever.. failed relationship..tak cukup understanding la.. betrayals..tak honest with each other..find new guy/gal.. where the hell all the vows once uttered from their mouth..? bukan man ajer yang I know simply take people heart for granted..girls pun.. sama je... hu..

.. I owed my mum for her continuous advise - "do not LOVE a man more then they love you.. " , "girls shouldn't be the one craving..or she'll be the one crying".. after my first relationship failed 4 years ago, then only I know what she meant.. (blur betul dulu2..) haha..

I'm glad it's over. I moved on - with new rule for myself. Don't ever let a loser enter and rule your life. . worst lagi to love 'em..lagi worst if you deny his mistake!

Intann : Once mon cher asked I want him to be.. I answered him..

" Be a a man should be."


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