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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

ordinary - as pisces memang kuat berangan.unpredictable. loving. very energetic (only when it comes to my interest!)matured than before.strict when having to proof practicality..a life with limited friends-not much to worry..which is good. Still pursuing for permanent status as a person..wanting to have ability to love and to get love-for and from everyone attached to me.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

moi au travaille...again..

I'm glad i skipped Monday.. hahah.. suke sangat..

Actually Monday semalam pun takdelah haven sangat. I took 1 day leave- sebab ada routine check-up. I went to HKL since 10.30 am .. and have to queue for almost 2 hours for my 5minutes check-up.. habih each page segala newspaper i tak tips..resepi semua i dah hafal.. tapi nama I was the last one to be called. My sister busan ajer.. Plan nak tengok movie pun gone macam tu ajer. Headache wehh.. waiting makes it worst. Kami just jalan2..bought my mon cher a shirt.. probably we can wear same colour baju time nak gi Penang nanti..heheh..

Balik..telan panadol 2 bijik..ingat nak rest.. tapi si arween tu still tanak tido. Kelakar jer tengok dia. Since dia tau everyone at home layan dia sorang ajer..dia mula pandai nak main benda2 advance.. dia so far just can utter a few words.. although dah almost 16 months..tapi fizikal ajer kecik..cuba dukung tengokkk..makcik pun boleh lelah.. serius..! dia memang kecik.. Far different from her 6 year old sis, dia memang kuat makan.. pantang dengar bunyik plastik..datang la diaa.. haha..but believe me.. she's so adorable.. and soft..and look so vulnerable.. memang sesapa yang tengok dia rasa takleh nak marah..even his own abah.. haha..but since her small, soft fingers dah pandai tarik astro card out of its place.. haa..jerit jugaklah abah dia.. haha..tapi dia maintain ajer.. buat muka comel yang bagi melt orang.. that's Arween.. really melt people's heart by her smiles and charms..magic kan the power of babies..?

hah..windunye kat awin..nanti mama abah dia balik dari Phuket... mesti lagi rindu kat dia... (isk..isk..)

At work. Not really busy. Macam biasa eager sangat nak balik.. still have 2 more days for pay-day. And my boss macam biasa laa.. mulalah crooked muka sebab nak bayar gaji..(boleh ke macam tu). Ughh..please.. cepatkanla weekend. Busan sangat nih.. My friends kat group pun senyap ajer.. mana semua orang aaa..? Everyone's working now.. memang patutlah busy.. sedar tak sedar dah makin tua.. dah nak masuk 4 years pun I've been with them.. i mean since we graduated. Really miss our good old days.. Tiap-tiap hari ade ajer something yang akan jadi isu nak buat lawak. There's laughter everywhere back then.

Now.. out of 20..5 of us already married..ada yang dah tunang..ada yang putus tunang.. funny kan..? a lot yang happen dalam 4 years nih.. but i'm glad we are still in touch.. still visit each other walaupun dua tahun sekali.. (at least something kan..?) haha.. bila dah jumpa tu tau lahh.. mana yang nak hamun..nak recall balik cerita dulu2.. haha..

The thing is.. rasa muda balik bila jumpa diorang..

Back to work.. work intan! work!

Intann : I'm at work..again.. : (


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